
有一些無甜點不歡的酮寶們,今天的這個生酮/低碳布朗尼 Keto Brownies”是特別為你們訂製的!



材料 (Ingredients)


1 1/2    Cups     羅漢果代糖 (Monk Fruit Sweetener)

3/4       Cup       無殼杏仁粉 (Almond flour)

2/3       Cup       無糖可可粉 (Cocoa powder)

1/2       Cup       無糖黑巧克力豆 (No sugar dark chocolate chips)

1/2       tsp          (Salt)

2          large      雞蛋 (eggs)

1          Stick      無水奶油 (butter)

2          tbsp.       (Water)

1          tbsp.      泡打粉 (Baking powder)

 香草精(可省略) (Vanilla extract optional)

多準備一些無糖黑巧克力豆當作裝飾 (Extra dark chocolate chips for decoration)


作法 (Instructions)


1. 再一個盆子中把乾粉(無殼杏仁粉無糖可可粉泡打粉)過篩,備用。

In a large bowlsift the dry ingredients (Almond flourCocoa powderBaking powder salt) and set aside


2. 準備另一個盆子把雞蛋羅漢果代糖香草精水均勻混合至代糖融化

In another bowlmix the eggs monk fruit sweetenerVanilla extract and watermix until the sugar is dissolved


3. 使用隔水加熱,把巧克力豆、奶油隔水融化至液體狀,放到室溫後加入2的濕料裡混合均勻。

In a double boilermelt down the chocolate chips and butter and set it coolthen add the mixture into the wet ingredients


4. 把濕盆裡的液體倒入乾盆中攪拌均勻至無乾粉狀即可

Pour the wet ingredients into the dryand mix well


5. 把額外準備的巧克力豆均勻拌入蛋糕麵糊中鋪平到模具裡再撒上一些巧克力豆當作裝飾

Add the extra chocolate chips into the cake batterpour the batter into the mouldfinish off with more chocolate chips on the top


6. 預熱好150°C烤箱,烤40-50分鐘最後的10分鐘要多注意以避免烤焦喔!

In the preheated oven at 150°Cbake for 40-50 minskeep your eyes on it with the last 10 mins baking time



工具使用 (Baking equipment):


不鏽鋼盆 (Stainless steel bowl)

耐熱刮刀 (Spatula)

隔水加熱盆 (double boiler bowl)

手動打蛋器 (hand whisk)

量杯 (Measuring cups)

量匙 (Measuring spoons)

烘培紙 (Parchment paper)

32L以上的烤箱為佳 (32L + oven)



I will try my best to list the ingredients and equipment down belowpm me if any questions!

羅漢果代糖 (Monk Fruit Sweetener)

有機無糖可可粉 (Cocoa powder)

無殼杏仁粉 (Almond flour)

無糖黑巧克力 (No sugar dark chocolate)



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Until Next Blog

Love Diana 



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    黛安娜的生酮生活 (Stay Keto with Diana)

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