
天氣開始炎熱起來, 來分享一款 🥧 清爽的生酮檸檬起司塔~

可以做成一個大的10吋派, 或是小巧可愛的mini派~

在家就可以享受好吃又低碳的甜點真是太贊了!  😍




Keto Lemon Cheesecake with meringue Pie 

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準備時間Prep time: 3 小時 hour

烘培時間 Bake time:  40分鐘mins

烤箱溫度Temp: 180

份量Serving: 1 10" round pie or  8 2.5" mini tarts

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塔皮 Crust:

230g 杏仁粉 almond flour

70g  大豆渣粉 Okra flour

40g  羅漢果代糖 Monk fruit sweetener

200g 無鹽奶油 unsalted butter


內餡 Filling:

材料1 (ingredient 1):

250ml 鮮奶油Heavy Cream

40g   阿洛酮糖Allulose


材料2(Ingredient 2):

220g 乳酪起司Cream Cheese

2    蛋黃egg yolk

90g  阿洛酮糖Allulose

40g  檸檬汁lemon juice

香草精Vanilla extract

檸檬削Lemon zest



2 large egg whites

1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar

35g 阿洛酮糖Allulose

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塔皮 Crust:

  1. 把杏仁粉、大豆渣粉、羅漢果代糖在盆中均勻混合後加入融化的無鹽奶油。
  2. 混合後會呈現像是濕濕的沙子的質地用手擠壓可以成團表示可以開始拿來鋪到烤盤上
  3. 把餡料均勻壓到抹有奶油的塔盤上緊密壓平
  4. 烤箱預熱180℃,烤10-15分鐘,取出放涼備

    內餡 Filling:

    1. 把蛋黃隔水加熱,邊攪拌邊加入代糖至溶化且蛋黃呈現乳白色。
    2. 離火,拌入軟化的奶油乳酪和檸檬汁檸檬削和香草精,繼續攪拌至混合,放涼備用(材料2)
    3. 鮮奶油與阿洛酮糖打發至濕性發泡,把材料2拌入。
    4. 放到烤好的塔皮,180 20-25分鐘放涼後冷藏備用


    1. 等內餡凝固後才開始製作蛋白霜提前製作可能會消泡
    2. 準備一個乾淨的鐵盆 (不能有油水) 把蛋白打2分鐘後加入蘋果醋繼續打發
    3. 至濕性發泡後可以開始加入代糖建議分兩次加入
    4. 大概10分鐘就可以達到乾性發泡放入乾淨的擠花袋裝飾成喜歡的方式即可



    塔皮 Crust:

    1. Incorporate the almond flour, okra flour, and monk fruit in a bowl, and add the melted butter.
    2. When it becomes a sand-like consistency, you can press down the mixture into the pie pan which is pre-coated with butter to prevent sticking.
    3. Place the pan in a preheated oven at 180 and bake for 10-15mins, let cool for later.


    內餡 Filling:

    1. On a double boiler, place the egg yolks and the sweetener and stir consistently till the mixture is pale.
    2. Off the heat, incorporate the egg yolk mixture with the softened cream cheese, lemon juice, zest and vanilla extract, and stir well (ingredient 2).
    3. In another bowl, whisk the cream and the sweetener till soft peaks, and incorporate the ingredient 2.
    4. Place the mixture onto the crust, bake at 180 degrees and bake for 20-25 mins. Place it into the fridge after cooling down.



    1. Need to wait till the pie filling is chilled and firmed then start to prepare the meringue.
    2. In a nice clean stainless steel bowl, whisk the egg white for 2 mins and add the apple cider vinegar.
    3. Whisk for another 5 mins or so, partially adding the sweetener.
    4. Whisk for about 10 mins or till it’s at a stiff peak.
    5. Use a piping bag and decorate the pie with your preference.



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❤️ 感謝大家觀看, 希望大家會喜歡這期的食譜分享~ 還沒追蹤IG的朋友們趕快去Follow一下喔~ image

Until next Blog 

Love from Diana

    創作者 生酮安娜 的頭像

    黛安娜的生酮生活 (Stay Keto with Diana)

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